Stevia is a sweet-tasting herb and works as an alternative for sugar as it is completely natural. This sugar substitute is used many years ago in Paraguay and has become popular in many parts of the world. Stevia is also called as sweet leaf or sugar leaf, usually its extract is used as a sugar substitute. Since demand for low-carbohydrate or low-calorie food increases now, it has become a very popular option over food manufacturers and health-conscious people.

No 1- Helps in Insulin Production

Stevia is popular for its ability to produce insulin —a good news for diabetic people. It contains stevioside, a substance that fuels production of insulin within the pancreas, hence aiding the healing of type 2 diabetes.

This sugar substitute is about 40 times sweeter than the sugar and can be variedly used in tea, desserts, tea and other foods/ beverages.

No 2- Aids in Weight Management

Individuals who have included stevia in their diet have confessed that it aids slowing down their appetite as well as craving for foods, especially sweets and fatty foods.

Also, it helps lose weight and promotes health. You can directly consume the leaves or use stevia in powdered form. Stevia is also available in tablet form in several online natural health stores.

No 3- Healing Benefits

Applying stevia to wounds and cuts can give instant pain relief. Along with this, a facial mask prepared with stevia plant leaves aids in rejuvenating and softening the skin. In addition, it is used to handle different skin disease like eczema and dermatitis.

For the people who are suffering from obesity, diabetes, heart disorders, high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels, the wonder plant stevia is a best option. Whether you use it as a sugar substitute or dietary supplement, stevia can be highly beneficial for your health.

On top of all these, stevia is rich with nutrients like calcium, magnesium, vitamins, phosphorous, sodium, since etc., which are essential for healthy body.

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