5 Reasons To Drink Celery Juice Regularly

Celery is a fibre-rich food that supplies potassium, calcium, folic acid, vitamin B and C. It is a low calorie food, hence it is the favourite food for many dieters.  Remember that natural celery is the best and healthiest way to eat vegetables.

Nutrients present in the celery promote bowel movements. The natural salt (sodium) present in celery is safe to eat, indeed is indispensable for health. Even people who are salt intolerant can safely consume the sodium in celery, dissimilar to table salt that is harmful for those with high BP (blood pressure). In this article, I am introducing five key reasons to drink celery juice. Read on to know more.

1. Helps Fight Cancer

Celery has a minimum of 8 anti-cancer compounds which prevent cancer from spreading. Acetylenics is one such compound that helps block the action of prostaglandins (the element responsible for growth of cancer cells. Also, organic celery consists of coumarins- a phytonutrient that prevents free radical damage, risk of colon and stomach cancer.

2. Reduces Cholesterol Levels

Research says that natural celery juice reduces cholesterol. Celery contains butyl phthalide that is known for its ability to lower LDL cholesterol levels to a considerable extent. Furthermore, celery boosts secretion of bile that helps flush out bad cholesterol from the body.

3. Promotes Digestion

Celery comprises of distinct nutrients in its fibres that get released when the vegetable is juiced. These unique nutrients aid bowel movements by working as a laxative and soothing the nerves which are injured by additional synthetic laxative use. So, consuming celery juice is a good choice to promote digestion.

4. Diuretic

Juice made from celery has potassium and sodium that help control the fluid retention in the body and promote urine production. As a result, the toxins will be flushed out of the system.

5. Prevents Inflammation

Organic Celery has polyacetylene that is known as the best defender of inflammation. Consuming celery juice can treat symptoms linked with osteoarthritis gout, rheumatoid arthritis, bronchitis, and asthma. Plus, celery contains luteolin- a powerful phytonutrient that helps prevent occurrence of inflammation in brain.

Be it a weight loss or reduction of cholesterol levels, whatever your purpose may be, consuming celery is a great idea. However, it is always a wise decision to consult your health care provider before including any natural products in your diet.

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