How To Prevent Calcium Deficiency Naturally?

Calcium deficiency refers to a health condition in which the body doesn’t get the required amount of calcium. Calcium is essentially a mineral which plays a crucial role in maintaining good health, for example, healthy teeth and bones. In addition, it is required for muscle relaxation and contractions, blood pressure regulation, nerve and hormone function.

Calcium should be taken daily and effectively absorbed by the body to maintain good health. Calcium-rich foods can be consumed to prevent calcium deficiency naturally. The food sources of calcium include leafy vegetables, dairy products, seafood, dried beans, nuts and so on. Here, I am presenting some tips to prevent calcium deficiency in a natural way. Continue reading to know more.

Consume Calcium-Rich Foods

To get the calcium, you need to eat calcium-rich Foods such as salmon, cheese, canned sardines, yogurt, milk, soy milk and orange juice.

Calcium Supplements

If you are not getting enough calcium from foods, you may go for organic calcium supplements. However, ensure you are using supplements that are in a compound form. Calcium carbonate and calcium citrate are the best choices.


Exercise plays a great role in maintaining optimal health. Exercising on a regular basis can improve the individual’s ability to absorb calcium. Lack of minimal physical activity can prevent our body from absorbing calcium. So, exercise regularly, go for a morning walk or practise yoga.

Vitamin D

According to research, vitamin D improves the absorption of calcium by the body. So try to take vitamin D supplements along with natural calcium supplements for better results.

Get some sunlight

Go out and get some natural vitamin D from the sunrays. It is found that 20 minutes of indirect or direct sunlight give a lot of natural vitamin D to our body. So, vitamin D is also called as the sunshine vitamin.

Quit Smoking

Say no to smoking! Smoking intensifies calcium deficiency and its related diseases such as osteoporosis.


Limit your alcohol consumption. Similar to smoking, alcohol increases calcium deficiency.

So, don’t worry if you are suffering from calcium deficiency. There are plenty of natural ways that you can follow. But remember before taking calcium supplements or foods, you need to check with your healthcare provider. They can suggest the recommended dosage of calcium per day.

If you are interested to buy natural products at Organic Food Store Online, please visit RCH Natural Products.

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