Children needs number of vitamins to help them grow healthily. When feeding children, it is essential to include nutrient-rich, low calories foods to their plate. However, what if a child has allergy towards specific food? How would you compensate the vitamins they are missing from that food?

Here Are The Top 10 Vitamins Required For A Growing Child

Calcium— It is very essential for strong teeth and bones, calcium should be available in the multivitamins you purchase for your child.

Fatty Acids— Useful because they form cells, support the cardiovascular system, control the nervous system, improve immunity and help the body to intake nutrients.  Also, Fatty Acids are important for a healthy vision and brain function.

Iron— Aids creation of hemoglobin.  Iron deficiency can cause anemia that causes weakness, irritability, and fatigue in children.

Magnesium— It keeps bones more strong and is important for heart’s health.  In addition, it maintains the nerve and muscle function and supports the immune system.

Potassium— In combination with sodium, it helps maintaining blood pressure by regulating the water balance within the body. Helps support muscle functioning, heart pulse and in later years reduces the risk of osteoporosis and kidney stones.

Vitamin A—Supports combat infections while helping growth of new tissues and cells. This vitamin is abundant in formation of nails, hair and skin. Also, it is vital for bone and vision development.

Vitamin Bs— Helps metabolism, generates energy, and aids healthy circulatory as well as nervous systems.

Vitamin D— Aids the body to absorb the minerals and calcium. Essential for strong bones and teeth. It also works as a hormone and plays a great role in insulin generation, improving immunity and control of cell development.

Vitamin E— Vital for DNA repair, immunity and other metabolic functions, also controls the production of free radicals that can damage cells.

Zinc— Crucial for growth, good metabolism, healthy digestion and Zinc is most required for 70 enzymes.

Check With a Physician for Advice & Tips on Vitamins

While selecting vitamins for children, consider the above list of essential vitamins. It is essential to provide a well-balanced diet to the children followed by vitamin to make sure that your kid’s nutritional requirements are being met.

To order natural children health products online visit RCH Natural Products.

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