5 Metabolism Boosting Foods That Help You Burn Fat

Delicious, nutrient-rich foods like dark chocolate and celery can help you shed weight. When trying to reduce weight naturally, we usually take the foods that we feel difficult to eat. We drool over chocolate cake at the coffee shop and ogle at our partners’ burger and dream about mayonnaise and cheese. Rather, change your focus to the healthy and delicious foods that actually help upsurge your metabolism and burn more fat. Below are 5 metabolism boosting foods that help you stay in shape.

1) Green tea

If you want to revive your metabolism, go for natural green tea ditching black coffee or black tea. Research has claimed that green tea is not only loaded with antioxidants, flavonoids, but also exhibits thermogenic properties that aid fat oxidation. It means green tea helps you burn more calories from the food you are consuming.

2) Celery

You might have heard the word ‘negative calorie diet’ which states that certain foods such as celery, require more calories to consume and digest than the calories actually contained in it. Well, it is partially true, however consuming celery is still a good option to lose weight. Celery is mostly made up of water as well as indigestible cellulose, hence including it in your diet can help you eat less.

3) Garlic

Including natural garlic to your diet rich in carbohydrates and fats may keep those substances from causing health problems. Research has proved that garlic balances blood sugar metabolism and controls blood lipid levels. Evidently, that doesn’t mean garlic bread is a healthy food, yet adding fresh garlic cloves to your meals definitely wouldn’t hurt.

4) Olive Oil

Eating fat to burn fat! It may seem nonsense, however healthy mono-saturated fats such as olive oil can really help the body to burn calories. To get benefitted, you have to substitute other forms of fat such as butter or cream along with olive oil and eat it only in small quantities.

5) Dark chocolate

Research has found that consuming dark chocolate can really help in natural weight loss. Chocolate affects the stress hormones, thus promotes weight reduction. Research says people who eat chocolate every day had experienced a reduction in the stress-causing hormone ‘cortisol’ that encourages the body to store excess fat.

So, try out these 5 Metabolism Boosting Foods and let us know your experiences. If you are interested to buy natural health products online, visit RCH Natural Products.

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