5 Natural Ways To Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth

Are you looking for natural and healthy ways to tame your sweet tooth? It can be challenging to satisfy the sugar cravings while making it healthy! But don’t worry, it can be done.

Cravings are the signs given by the body when something is missing. Nutrient deficiency is the root cause of cravings. But, emotional reasons do play a crucial role. The key to control your craving for sweets is to follow a healthy diet by adding wholesome and real foods to it and by cutting back processed foods. Eating more of fresh and whole foods help our body to manage sugar cravings. In this article, I am introducing five natural ways to satisfy your sweet tooth. Read on.

1. Eat Chromium -Rich Foods

Chromium is an essential mineral that helps to regulate cholesterol and blood sugar levels. So it can be helpful to control cravings for sweet food. If you find yourself experiencing intense, regular cravings for sweets then eat natural foods such as apples, broccoli, sweet potatoes, pastured eggs and whole grains.

2. Eat Magnesium-Rich Foods

Magnesium works effectively to maintain tissue sensitivity to insulin and control glucose metabolism. Hence, sugar cravings can be a result of magnesium deficiency. To overcome this problem, try to consume foods that are high in magnesium such as raw cacao, dark leafy greens, brown rice, nuts and seeds, avocado and quinoa.

3. Consume foods high in zinc

Zinc plays a major role in using glucose and insulin, so zinc deficiency will cause sugar cravings. In order to improve your zinc levels, you should consider eating organic foods such as pumpkin seeds, whole grains, Brazil nuts, pastured eggs, and oysters. Studies found that zinc from animal sources is absorbed effectively when compared to non-animal sources.

4. Use Extra-Virgin Coconut Oil

Consuming a half tablespoon of natural extra virgin coconut oil on a regular basis can improve your metabolism, rejuvenate your brain cells and control your sugar cravings. So, make it a habit to add coconut oil to your stir-fries, soups and smoothies.

5. Stop Alcohol, Caffeine & Processed Foods

Alcohol and caffeine can dehydrate your body, which in turn causes mineral deficiency. Usually, processed foods are high in salt and sugar, both of which can cause sugar cravings. So try to moderate your consumption with these foods.

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