How nice it would be having a calming cup of herbal tea on a chilled midwinter’s day. However besides being a refreshing, warming, tasty, caffeine-less refreshment, herbal tea has great health benefits in it. Right from relieving an upset stomach to helping insomnia and comforting a disturbed mind, herbs possess all kinds of healing powers. Sipping herbal tea is a wonderful source for minerals and vitamins.

So, What Basically Herbal Tea Is?

Looks wise Herbal Tea looks like a usual green tea, but actually it is not at all a tea. Because herbal tea do not come from the plant ‘Camellia Sinensis bush’– from which usually all teas are prepared. Actually all herbal teas are infusions and are correctly known as Tisanes. The term Tisane refers to the combination of seeds, dried leaves, barks, flowers, fruits, nuts and/or other botanical essentials which bring them taste and also health benefits.

Not like other teas, herbal tea has no caffeine in it. Also herbal tea tastes best and easy to consume. The herbal tea you are taking may comprise of one key herbal item or it is a combo of various herbal items prepared for specific purpose like rejuvenation, relaxation and relief from a definite condition over other things.

What Are The Benefits Of Herbal Teas?

Mainly it is vital to remind that there exists a variety of herbal teas in the market- each one of which intended to have a particular medicinal or therapeutic benefit. Nevertheless, there are some common advantages of herbal teas including:-

  • Attaining a more peaceful and stress-free mood
  • Supporting with digestive and stomach problems
  • Helping energy and health
  • Reinforcing the immune system
  • Increasing energy levels & stimulating the body
  • Treat colds
  • Nurturing the internal organs
  • Free of caffeine and good taste
  • Aids heart health
  • Cleansing properties
  • Nurturing the nervous system
  • Supplying antioxidants required to the body
  • Releasing stress
  • Aiding better night’s sleep


7 Herbal Teas & Their Health Benefits

Peppermint Tea- For Detoxing

Peppermint tea is widely used for detoxification. Peppering aids to heat up your body and making you perspire to release harmful toxins from your body.

Chai Tea- For De-stressing

The Chai tea is known to be possessing mentally clarifying properties which helps in reducing stress and anxiety.

Rooibos Tea- For Anti-ageing

The Rooibos contain high levels of Vitamin C and known well for its antioxidant properties that can aid fight off ageing symptoms.

Chamomile Tea- For Insomnia

Try chamomile tea if you are finding difficulty in sleeping. It has sedative properties and possess strong anti-anxiety abilities that must help you drift off.

Green Tea- For Good Skin

Green tea is a boon for your skin, with its excellent detox properties it makes your skin look healthier. Many studies have proved that green tea helps cure blemishes and acne by deal with spot-causing androgen hormones.

Dandelion Tea- For Liver Cleansing

Take the best of Dandelion Tea and its cleansing properties, if you have had a rigorous week end. It is recommended that blending dandelion with the burdock becomes a super refreshing brew and works as an excellent cleanser.

Ginger Tea- For Nausea

Ginger Tea works well for digestion and aids in soothe signs of upset stomach and nausea.

To order your favorite herbal tea online click here.

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