Flaxseed Oil For Weight Loss

Flaxseed oil forms an essential part of effective weight loss plan. In addition, it offers you a wide range of health benefits if you take it instead of trans and saturated fats. Nevertheless, as flax seed oil is calorie rich food and contains no fibre or protein, taking it in excess amounts can delay weight loss. So, here I am providing some insights on the importance of flaxseed oil for weight loss. Read on before getting started.

Rich In Omega-3 & Omega-6 Benefits

High in essential omega-3s and omega-6s, natural flaxseed oil is good for heart health and contains fat that fulfils the dietary fat needs during weight loss. The reason is, fat gives you energy that is essential for effective vitamin absorption. Taking monounsaturated and poly-saturated fatty acids available in flaxseed oil instead of trans and saturated fats reduces the risk of cholesterol and hence heart diseases.

Suggested Amounts

Taking recommended amounts of organic flaxseed oil can help you reduce weight effectively. Limiting your current calorie consumption and regularly participating in exercise- is the key to reaching your weight loss goals. According to research, women who are on 1,200 calorie diet has to take four tablespoons of flax oil per day, while men who are on 1,600 calorie diet can take five teaspoons of oil daily. However, you need to check with your healthcare professional before taking flaxseed oil for weight loss.


Though consuming natural flaxseed oil is a healthy way to meet your daily requirements of fat during weight loss. It is a calorie-rich food and can cause problems if consumed in excess. A spoon of flaxseed oil consists of 120 calories that come from dietary fat. There is no fibre or protein content in flaxseed oil that can help you feel full during the journey of weight loss. According to a research, people who are on other medications should avoid taking flaxseed oil supplements as they can negatively interact with some medicines.

So, before including flaxseed oil in your diet, check with your doctor once. Hope this information is helpful to you. If you have any comments or suggestions please share below. If you are interested to buy natural products online, please visit RCH Natural Products.

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