How ginger benefits your health?

Ginger is a commonly used spice in many dishes. It adds a unique taste to the food and beverages. But did you know it can be used as a natural remedy for many common ailments that we see regularly! According to Ayurveda, ginger is carminative, analgesic, aphoristic, aphrodisiac, antiemetic, expectorant stimulant and digestive. This digestion boosting drug is called as universal medicine in Ayurveda. In this article, I am introducing some key uses of ginger for health. Continue reading to know more.

Ginger benefits you should know

1) Take some ginger juice, cane sugar and water, mix all of them and boil to get a syrup consistency. Then add some cardamom, saffron, clove and nutmeg to it and preserve this mixture properly. You can eat this ginger jam directly that helps treat flatulence, spasms, indigestion, bowel and stomach pains, vomiting, colds, fever, cough, and asthma.

2) When natural ginger is taken along with rock salt it heals Vata, with honey heals Kapha and with rock candy treats Pitta.

3) Low Appetite: Take equal amounts of ginger, rock salt and lemon juice and eat it before taking food to improve your appetite.

4) Sore Throat: For laryngitis and sore throat chew a piece of ginger root few times daily.

5) Vomiting and Morning Sickness: Take equal amounts of natural ginger juice and onion juice, mix them well and drink to get relief from nausea and vomiting (especially good for pregnant women).

5) Stomach pain/Irritation: Take some organic ginger powder and mix it with asafoetida and two spoons of castor oil. Eat this mixture to get relief from menstrual cramps.

6) Rheumatic Pain: To get relief from chronic rheumatic pain, colds as well as excess mucus drink ginger tea before bed.

7) Anti-cancerous properties: According to recent studies ginger has anti-cancerous properties, so it is useful in treating ovarian and colon cancer especially.

8) Nervous Headaches: Mix milk with ginger juice, allow it dry for some time and use it as a snuff.

The list of ginger benefits is unending. So, why don’t you grab a cup of ginger tea now!

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