It’s summer now- the wonderful time of the year when fresh produce is abundantly available. Here are some healthy eating tips to follow this summer. Read on and enjoy your summer.


Tart cherries provide a variety of healthy benefits. Consuming tart cherry juice helps you to get good sleep and suppress post-workout pain.  In addition, the compounds present in the tart cherries help you reduce weight. So, eat tart cherries directly or ready-made cherry juice concentrate.


This fruit can be used in salad dressings and in burgers. Hence it is a best choice to get many health benefits such as vitamins B5, B6, C, K, fibre, potassium, folate and cell-protecting antioxidants.


Quit the sugar-laden soda and get some iced green tea for yourself. We all know very well about the health benefits of taking green tea. It is packed with antioxidants that were found in blueberries, pomegranates and grapes. These antioxidants help you stay healthy and energetic this summer!

Whether it is hot or iced, green tea may help to lower the risk of all kinds of heart problems such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease and stroke. A recent study has evidenced the fact that people who take three cups of green tea daily have experienced reduction in the symptoms of hypertension. Also, it is also proven that taking green tea can reduce the risk of prostate, lung and colorectal cancers.


Summer is known for fresh sweet corn. Lutein and zeaxanthin are the two antioxidants present in the corn which may work as a natural sunglass, supporting to develop macular pigment which filters out most of the sun’s harmful rays. In addition, these antioxidants may help in reducing the risk of forming age-specific macular degeneration which is the major cause for permanent blindness in people aged over 60 years. So, it is not a bad idea to consume this food.


Watermelon is the wonder fruit for summer! Staying hydrated is important during summer. Consuming watermelon is a better option to keep hydrated. In addition, consuming it makes your mood stable and sharpens your memory. It supports your body to keep cool and hydrated during the hot summer months. Rather than drinking water, you can consumer watermelon which gives taste and fulfils your daily water intake.


Tomatoes are rich sources for vitamins A, vitamin C and vitamin E as well as potassium and folate. Being loaded with minerals and vitamins, research has found that tomatoes are anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic, anti-cancer and antioxidant powerhouses. They possess heart-protective properties, they help reduce cholesterol levels and initial research says tomatoes may also help with maintaining bone health.

So, follow these healthy eating tips and stay healthy. To buy natural products online, visit RCH Natural Products.

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