High stress puts your health at risk

If feeling like fractious is your continuing state, your Hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis tend to trigger very easily, resulting to a cycle of stress which is difficult to break and exhausting, states Stephanie Osfield.

Probably you may not have been aware about the complete health effects of stress including:

Thinning hair

Did you ever noticed thinning of your hair, after completion of a challenging project or working day and night on a project? The blame goes to Androgen hormones produced by adrenal glands- the main reason for hair fall.

Spotted skin

Stress has a tendency to change your complexion. Research shows that stress can damages skin conditions such as psoriasis and chances of getting acne”- states Rosemary Nixon, a famous spokesmen from Australasian College of Dermatologists. Other skin conditions such as eczema get even worse with stress.

Memory issues

Stress deteriorates the life of brain cells which control memory and logical functioning including judgment, emotional regulation and better reasoning– states Hassed.

Also stress changes the wiring of your brain so that the areas which stores fear and stress actually develop, which implies you to be more likely to respond with greater stress levels to very small triggers.

Fluid maintenance

Are you feeling wired? Probably your adrenals are also generating aldosterone hormone that raises sodium levels in your kidneys. In addition, you may notice swelling in different areas such as face, legs, hands, feet, breasts and belly as your body retains fluid considering that you’re under risk.

More colds and flu

As the stress increases, the natural killer cells lose their effectiveness and the immune system gets effected.  Prolonged state of stress is associated with development diseases such as cancer- more expected as it creates genetic mutations or confronts our ability to treat mutations.

An increasing waistline

Women of ideal weight reported that high stress levels are increasing cortisol and deposition of more fat in abdominal area- as revealed in a research conducted by Yale University. The cortisol effects glucose levels in blood and leads to insulin resistance thus accelerating fat cells, specifically around belly area triggering   a ‘muffin top’ or central adiposity speaks Mitchell. This high fat deposition tends to increase the chances for type 2 diabetes.

Positively, research shows that when stress is eased by practices such as mindfulness- in few weeks or months, your brain comes back to its healthy condition.

So if you are already undergoing stress, try to overcome it using natural ways. Working out daily or meditation helps you to some extent. Otherwise you can go for stress reducing natural foods or natural supplements which do not have any side effects and helps you come out of stressful conditions.

To order natural products visit our site RCH Natural Products.

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