Hypothyroidism—a condition that occurs when the thyroid gland generates excessive hormones than required.

Thyroid hormones (thyroxine) are essential for the following body functions:-

  • Maintain good metabolism rate
  • Affects our brain development, breathing, nervous system, heartbeat, body temperature, skin dryness, muscle strength, weight and menstrual cycles.

Women are more prone to Hypothyroidism when compared to men. More often, old people have high chances of getting it than younger ones. Not many know about the Hypothyroidism as the symptoms are not specific and quite confusing.

Symptoms Of Thyroid Problem

Below are the common thyroid symptoms faced by most of the people.



-Sleepy all the time

-Dry skin

-Muscle cramps

-Swelling over the legs

-Puffiness around the eyes

-Weight gain

-Intolerance to cold

-Dry & brittle hair


-Difficulty in concentrating

-Augmented cholesterol levels

-Slowdown in heart rate/ body temperature

Here are some tips to fix your thyroid issues:-

Go A1 Casein and Gluten FREE— most of the food allergies today are from dairy and wheat products due to the presence of hybridized proteins such as gluten and a1 casein in them. These are the proteins which lead to ‘leaky gut’ problem that will result into thyroid inflammation. Go for a grain-free diet if possible, else at least prefer gluten free foods.

Say NO to Bisphenol A (BPA)— BPA is a common element found in bottles and can disturb endocrine system and influence thyroid. So use BPA free or steel bottles for drinking purposes.

Detox Heavy Metal— Use a combination of turmeric, milk thistle, cilantro and chlorella to detox all the harmful metals from your organs and cells.

More Selenium— Ensure that you are getting sufficient selenium but be careful not to overload.  Foods with high selenium are salmon, beef, brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, mushrooms and onions.

Stick with Adaptogen Supplements— These thyroid supplements can reduce cortisol levels and enhance thyroid operation such as Tulsi and Ashwagandha. Also you can use iodine supplements.

Follow these simple tips to get rid of thyroid disease. If your thyroid symptoms are becoming worse than its better to consult your doctor to get proper treatment. Also before going for any diet or supplements to cure thyroid symptoms it is always advisable to check with your physician.

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