How Oregano Oil Benefits Your Health?

Oregano is a great herb, commonly used both for culinary and for therapeutic purposes. Research has proven that medical advantages of Oil of Oregano can be attributed to carvacrol and thymol– the phenols that can destroy the harmful microorganisms in the body. Studies have demonstrated that these two constituents among numerous others have anti-viral, anti-parasitic, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties. Here I am discussing some key Oregano Oil Benefits. Read on. 

1. Comprises Potential Phenols

The majority of the medical advantages of oregano oil can be credited to the presence of carvacrol and thymol, as they can destroy bacteria and microorganisms.

2. Reduces the Risk of Heart Diseases

Because of its antioxidant properties, natural oregano oil is powerful in securing against the oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol, hence lessening the danger of heart problems.

3. Boosts Immunity

Oregano oil is an incredible choice for boosting the immune system and helps fight against colds and flu. You can take 3 drops of oregano oil in a day or blend it in a glass of orange drink to get results in a couple of hours. Oregano oil must be taken up to 5 days to get rid of the symptoms completely.

4. Aids Digestion

Due high amounts of thymol and carvacrol compounds present in it, oregano oil is powerful in treating upset stomach and boosts digestion. Heartburn can be cured by drinking a glass of milk or juice that is blended with 2 or 3 drops of oregano oil. It likewise works as an expectorant to free the lungs, bronchi and trachea of excess mucus.

5. Cures Pneumonia

This oil works great in treating pneumonia. For this reason, diffuse it and breathe in from a bowl of steaming water. It must be used on the soles of your feet.

6. Anti-Bacterial:

Since it contains anti-bacterial properties, it can prevent candida and many germs causing skin problems. It can be taken as a supplement or rubbed over the affected area.

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