Sniff Off Your Stress with Aromatherapy

Are you able to smell the food reheated in the office microwave… which is in ground floor? Your increased smelling capability doesn’t mean that you’ve become a superhero- it may be due to stress. A new research conducted by University of Wisconsin-Madison revealed the fact that people under anxiety can experience an amped-up sense of smell & can smell out the things that normal people might miss.

It comes out that whenever we are anxious, our body sets into survival mode, improving our capacity to discover threats- and most often nose takes the lead. With the increase in anxiety levels, our ability to smell a strong or rare stench increases simultaneously. In other terms, if you ever feel the smoke smell getting out of kitchen or similar odors- it could be because of your high stress levels.

On positive side, you can use this improved sniffing ability to handle irritating side effects of stress- insomnia and indigestion. In Aromatherapy, the process of using concentrated essential oils extracted from fruit, leaves, roots, bark and flowers are used- to reduce stress.

Below are some simple methods to sniff off your way out of stressful circumstances using essential oils:-

1. Depression or light-headedness

Aroma oil: Peppermint

Procedure: Dab 2 drops of oil on your head’s crown or back side of your neck. Now take 10-15 deep breaths keeping oil bottle close to your nose (you’ll get a tingling sensation while doing it).

2. Sleeplessness

Aroma oil: Clary Sage

Procedure:  before going to sleep, take hot shower with some drops of oil added to water. After that, prior to going to sleep, put 3 drops over a tissue, switch off lights and take ten to fifteen breaths from the tissue. Keep this tissue along with you for the entire night.

3. Continuous Worrying

Aroma Oil: Sandalwood

Procedure:  Blob some drops of sandalwood oil on your chest & then perform this simple exercise- Sit straight, close your eyes and lay your hands on lap. Slowly breathe counting inhales like inhale 1, inhale 2, inhale 3, inhale 4 etc. whenever you lose count, start off from one and continue until you feel relief.

4. Headaches, acid reflux, or indigestion

Aroma oil: Sweet Marjoram

Procedure:  Take a shower with warm water, take 3 drops of oil and spread it on palms of two hands, then add some unscented body lotion or oil. Now rub your palms gently and apply the mixture to your chest or abdomen in circular motions, clockwise.

5. Panic attack

Aroma oil: German Chamomile

Procedure:  Place a drop of German oil on both of your palms and spread it over face. Now pace down your breath by counting the number of exhales. Oil along with mindful exhales makes you feel calmer.

So what about giving a try to these Aroma Oils to get rid of stress? Order Essential Aromatherapy Oils online.

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